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Psybersquare, Inc. Full Disclaimer

1. Psybersquare Inc. does not provide professional psychiatric or psychological counseling, advice or services . If you need therapy, professional consultation, or psychiatric consultation, we recommend you consult with a licensed mental health professional in your area. The exercises, information, and journalistic content of are for informational purposes only, and are in the nature of a self-help book or magazine article rather than a treatment service. The advice of your Doctor or Therapist should always be followed when it comes to your health care decisions, and information received on line, while generated by Licensed Professionals, is not personalized and can in no way be considered treatment for mental health problems. provides content exclusively for educational, informational, self help and entertainment purposes only, and does not represent itself as a treatment service.

2. Material placed online by Psybersquare visitors does not necessarily reflect the views of Psybersquare.Inc.

3. Materials copyrighted by Psybersquare, Inc. may be downloaded by the public for personal use only.

4. The content of is the intellectual property of Psybersquare Inc. and may not be duplicated, reproduced or redistributed without permission in writing from Psybersquare,Inc.

5. Due to the real time, live, and interactive nature of the Internet, Psybersquare.Inc. disavows any responsibility for violations of decency and respectability that may occur without our knowledge. Psybersquare Chat is provided as a public service by Psybersquare, Inc. and by no means should interactions on Psybersquare be construed as professional psychiatric or psychological consultation.

6. Copyright violations by visitors to Psybersquare shall be deemed violations of copyright laws by the individual posting the information, and they shall be solely responsible for any violation of copyright law.

7. Neither Psybersquare, Inc. nor any of its agents or employees make any representations with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied or express warrants of merchantability or fitness for any particular usage, application or purpose.