Care for the Caregiver
Being a caregiver to an ailing spouse, a sick child, an ageing parent, or a sick friend is a uniquely difficult undertaking. Sadly, caregivers, who deserve nothing but the highest reward for their dedication, instead can receive a host of psychological and emotional problems for their trouble. The unrelenting demands of being a caregiver can take their toll on the individual, causing anger, confusion, anxiety, and depression. The sad irony is that the caregiver who succumbs to these negative emotions, is less effective as a caregiver, a family member, a friend and an individual. It is about time that we recognize that the caregiver needs and deserves care, too: care from himself, care from his loved ones and even care from his sick partner. The most jarring emotion that flares up and surprises a caregiver is anger. Frequently, the caregiver will find himself feeling angry toward his ailing loved one. The anger does NOT mean that the caregiver is unfeeling or unloving towards his sick partner. People commonly feel angry with their loved ones for taking ill, despite the fact that their loved one obviously did not want to become sick. The anger is an irrational --but natural-- symptom of the fear that we ALL experience when we think about the impending loss of someone close to us. The caregiver, however, because of the nature of his relationship with his sick partner, is usually beset with guilt when his anger arises, feeling as if he is somehow betraying his loved one or failing at his duty. Experiencing anger as a caregiver, while unpleasant, is understandable and common. Though it is never easy to accept irrational feelings of hostility and resentment toward an ailing loved one, it is vitally important for the caregiver to do so. The entire family needs to understand and encourage the caregiver to vent his frustration, fear and anger in a healthy way. Refusing to acknowledge and deal actively with the anger will only result in a repression of the anger. A caregiver who does not deal with his anger may find himself acting it out in ways hurtful to both himself, as well as to his sick partner. Repressed anger does not go away, it simply bubbles up later in unexpected, unhealthy expressions of resentment and bitterness. Repressed anger, in this instance, causes a vicious cycle: the caregiver wracked with guilt grows more angry, which in turn makes him feel more guilty, which in turn makes him more angry and so on. If a caregiver gets trapped in the cycle of guilt and resentment, he often ends up depressed, unable to process his feelings, and ultimately sinks into inactivity and lethargy. The anger will be easier for a caregiver to deal with if:
In our normal lives we get angry from time to time. Imagine if, in the midst of a bout of anger, all of your outlets for dealing with your anger --exercise, the company of friends, your favorite videos, long bubble baths, etc.-- were abruptly unavailable to you. What a nightmare! When a caregiver shuts himself off from the aspects of his life that were important to him before he became a caregiver, he is putting himself in precisely that position -- just when he needs those supports the most. To maintain strength and sanity, and impart that strength and sanity to his ailing partner, the caregiver must not neglect his own needs. The Internet is a uniquely helpful venue in which to validate feelings of anger, fear, and uncertainty. An online support group can be ideal for a caregiver that is perhaps homebound with his loved one, but still needs emotional support, therapy, and a place to voice his feelings. In addition, the anonymous nature of support groups on the Internet can make it easier for a caregiver to voice feelings that he feels uncomfortable sharing with family or friends. Dealing with emotions in a forthright manner, as they arise, will help to cast an optimistic light over both the giver and the receiver of care. Studies have shown a direct link between the immune system and a positive outlook. Keeping hope alive is clearly the best medicine. Resignation and despair in any area of life is a sure-fire recipe for defeat. If you're a caregiver reading this article, thank you for giving so much of yourself to another human being. Review the Caregiver's Bill of Rights to help you through this difficult time, and please avail yourself of whatever sources of support you can find to help sustain your hope, strength and encouragement. RECOMMENDED READING FROM THE PSYSTORE: How to Care for Your Parents: A Practical Guide to Eldercare by Nora Jean Levin Our Price: $9.60 "A time-saving guide to help families successfully map and navigate the unfamiliar terrain of eldercare, this unique handbook provides simple decisions-making tools so grown children can help their parents take charge of their long-term health, welfare, and housing needs." -- Synopsis For a selection of books on this topic, visit the Psystore. |